Shaun Caton

Shaun Caton

‘My art is a form of channelling. I’m like a sort of conduit or cosmic funnel through which all these wriggling images flow. I have no notion of what I’m doing as such, but it just occurs in this way, as if by magic’.

Shaun Caton is an internationally renowned performance artist, painter, collagist, animated film maker, writer and cultural lobotomist. Since the early 1980s he has presented about 575 live performances globally and in 2019 he performed in the 58th Venice Biennale at the Palazzo Papafava. To date he has had over 100 exhibitions of his paintings, prints, photographs, collages and books. He is an experimental, multi-media artist. Shaun works 24/7 365 days a year and because of this he believes his work is in a state of constant change and evolution. ‘My next painting or collage will be a breakthrough ‘.  A  former student of Zen, Shaun places little importance on fashion or current trends in art and is a truly one-off, original artist following his own pathway.

Shaun Caton artist, painter & collagist. Cardboard totems
Painted Cardboard Totems
Detail of cardboard totems
Succour by Shaun Caton
Succour, collage
Shaun Caton Vodou Bebé
Vodou Bebé, collage
Blood of the Fish God, Monotype print

Visit Shaun’s website…

Collage and painting

His bold and vibrant gouache paintings present arcane narratives that are formed from his interest in primitive, prehistoric, tribal, outsider and folk art. A lifelong collector, Shaun incorporates many of his Thames foreshore finds as subject matter into his quirky paintings, distilling them with a sense of ribald mischief and the uncanny.

Shaun Caton collage books
Shaun Caton artist, painter & collagist's books
Shaun’s prolific collage books
Shaun Caton artist, painter & collagist's studio

His use of saturated colour is visually intoxicating and his paintings are layered with many washes of intense colour to achieve this effect. Caton works from his own bizarre inventory of signs, symbols and characters, that crop up frequently in his compositions, forming strange half told tales that jump back and forth in time.

Like all of his work, its metamorphic: a gouache painting is a memory of a performance and recycles the same totems and figures made from cardboard that also appear in his paper cut and paste collages. His work is in a state of constant experimentation.

Shaun Caton, Zany Gardener
Zany Gardener collage

First Flight

A limited edition screen print by Shaun Caton. Only six available! 64cm x 62cm. Visit Shaun’s art page to see more…